Upcoming events.
CWIT Annual Meeting
Please join us for another excellent CWIT Annual Meeting! Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Doors will Open at 9:30 and we will begin our business meeting at 10:00am. There will be guest speakers, lunch (provided), and a field tour of an Oak Woodland Restoration project near Berry Summit. If time allows, we may also look at a prescribed burn within the same area. There will be an optional social meet up/drinks after the field tour at The Logger Bar.
Tickets and event info can be found via the link below:
NCCWIT Fall Fundraiser
Please join us for our annual Fall Fundraiser; tickets and event info can be found in the link below.
NCCWIT Women in Natural Resources Career Panel
Please join the North Coast Chapter for our 9th annual Career Panel Oct. 24th, at Cal Poly Humboldt. Please see our Instagram for event details
NCCWIT Tea Party
Join us and enjoy some wine, and pizza while we learn our guiding principles; the Roberts Rules of Order.